Monday, November 17, 2008

A long time ago, in Vermont...

And so begins my descent into the world of blogging. I thought this day might never arrive, but as I am about to spend a year abroad I thought it might be nice to have a venue for sharing stuff with people back home. Plus, I bought a camera just for this trip, so I might as well post some photos. I am still in Vermont right now, soon to move all my worldly possessions back to Maine before leaving Dec. 30th to go to Namibia. As you probably know by now, I will be working through an organization called WorldTeach, and I'll be gone for a year. What will I miss most you ask? Probably Wheat Thins. Or my family and friends... but probably the Wheat Thins. I am not sure how often I will be able to update this thing while in Namibia, but I shall try my best. Bye for now.