Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On Perpetual Dehydration

Namibia is a dry place. And hot. But not the uncomfortable, please-shoot-me-now kind of hot from say the south east of the US. It's more in the style of "wow, I can feel my skin cells dying a hot death right now." I am used to drinking a lot of water a day, being a runner, but that does not matter here. "You drank 5 liters of water in the last ten hours?" the sun says with a laugh, "well I am just going to make it seem like that never happened." I expect the land here feels the same way. I have some lovely pictures which are now comfortably residing on my camera. Again, I will post the gorgeous scrubland that extends forever and ever as soon as I can. In the meantime, wait with bated breath for my recounting of our trip through Etosha National Park, where much wildlife was observed and recorded. In the meantime, our training here continues for another few days, and we leave Saturday to go to our teaching placements. I am learning the language used there, Otijiherero, the most charming aspects of which are the 9 different formal greetings to use throughout the day. Yeah, greeting is important here. And staying hydrated.

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