Saturday, March 14, 2009


I wanted to just say a small word of thanks to everyone who has sent/is sending things here. I love getting packages in the mail, and any supplies for the school are very welcome. The maps I got this week are perfect (thanks everyone in MN), and I know that there are books coming from various people, which will greatly help the library here. As I said, I love getting the mail, just don’t spend too much sending stuff here! I know it’s expensive, especially sending books. My current idea is to send some books myself when I return home, so hopefully the library will continue to grow.
Nothing too much new here. Carmen, Ayoola and I are going to Ongwediva next weekend, which is a long weekend because of Independence Day. Should be lots of fun, we are meeting other WT volunteers there. I hear there is a legitimately good Italian restaurant there, so there are calzones in my near future…

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